Left La Crosse, Wisconsin with the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky. From there it was a full day's drive to leave Wisconsin, cross the full width of Minnesota, and also cross virtually the entire state of South Dakota. For the most part it was a day of farmland, farmland, and for the remainder of the drive it was...farmland. Not to imply that it was an uninteresting drive, but it was repetitive.
My destination today was Mt. Rushmore, but I decided it would be better to stay in Rapid City and go to the monument tomorrow morning (30 miles away). I didn't notice that I had moved into the Mountain time zone, so I was probably a little early eating a barbecue dinner at 5:30pm (thinking I was eating early at 6:30). Luckily nobody offered me an AARP discount or tried to help me get to my table!
Hopefully I'll visit Mt. Rushmore tomorrow morning, drive north to experience North Dakota, and then turn left.
What no visit to Corn Palace or Norwegian clan in/around Yankton? : )